Friday, January 9, 2015

Did you know it takes 1000 "dedicated" shots to fix a problem?

Comments from a recent Facebook conversation about the difference between KNOWING... how to shoot the basketball and SHOOTING... the basketball the way you "know."

  • John Cunningham I love it Sully! I've learned more during my sons shooting sessions than I did it my previous 39 years combined!
    33 mins · Like

  • Tim Sullivan It takes about 1000 "dedicated" shots to change something that is wrong like a thumb dropping... and maybe 2000 before the change is reliable under game pressure. I can get them to do is standing behind them talking to them while they shoot immediately but it may take a few hundred shots before they can do it alone in practice... 1000 before they can do it in a game and 2000 shots before they can rely on the changes under real pressure... like at the free trow line late in the game.  Make Sense? 

    In Hank Haney's book about Tiger Woods , he said that when Tiger was working on a "new" shot .... he'd first get it right on the range... then he'd use it in a practice round... then he'd use it in a Pro Am round... then in a tournament round and FINALLY...  he could trust his "new" shot under pressure on a Sunday afternoon in contention.

    I'm trying to find a way to help parents get to the 2000 shots where they OWN what we may have taught them at a clinic in their muscle memory
    33 mins · Like

  • Tim Sullivan Thanks John Cunningham I wish more of my players went from KNOWING how to shoot to actually SHOOTING based on what they know. I'm starting to believe PARENTS are the key because I'm not there for the 1000 shots after the clinic where the changes start to take effect in their muscle memory
    30 mins · Like

  • Bob Fitzgerald Tim Sullivan every time Ali gets a hitch in her shot the first thing I tell her is that we need to get in 1000 shots to fix it.